Inside the trial ZIP file you will find a ready to use sample VersionUpdater.ini
Run the VersionUpdater to see it working with these sample settings.
- It will report that you are using v1.30
- It will check that the latest version is v1.32
- It will download the latest version (it is stored on a sample ZIP file) and extract its contents to the folder where VersionUpdater runs from.
This sample ZIP file only contains an image file (24hsoftware_logo.gif) that you will find extracted in the folder.
- That's it. The sample upgrade is done.
Now, you can start changing the sample VersionUpdater.ini settings to match the settings of your application.
- Basically, you change URL paths to point to your server's paths and your application downloadable ZIP file.
- Optionally you can change also the messages displayed to the users.