As a wage earner, you need to manage your personal finances and prepare income tax returns every year. B-free tracks all your income and expenses, including work related expenses that could be claimed as tax deductions. B-free also keeps an eye on how your personal finances are faring with automatically compiled, up to the minute, financial reports. Avoid nasty surprises and know where your financial future is heading.
If you want to invest in your own future, it's time to start with B-free Personal.
Now you can take control of your finances and prepare for the future. Simply enter monthly expenditure for items such as living expenses and entertainment, and the unique B-free system automatically downloads and classifies electronic bank statements, so you can prepare budget reports in minutes!
B-free Personal intuitively recognizes information on your electronic bank statement and automatically files this information into categories, prepares budgets and produces reports. If you spend more than you earn, or just need to track and manage your finances better, B-free will help you budget and save. And if you are good at saving, B-free will help you save to invest your extra cash, for example in property or shares, for extra returns.
B-free Personal allows you to quickly assess whether you have the ability to take up new investment opportunities, and if you already have a loan, B-free will demonstrate exactly how much and how long it will take to repay the loan, using the loan forecasting function and various reports, effectively graphing your progress. All reports can be instantaneously exported to spreadsheets and documents for the purpose of the individual. Best of all the software is online, so you can access your records from anywhere in the world.