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UML modeling software tools

ESS-MODEL - The fastest and easiest to use UML reversing tool

With ESS-MODEL you can view class diagrams from your code in the time that other tools are still busy loading.

Altova UModel - UML tool for software modeling and application development

Altova UModel 2010 is the starting point for successful software development. Visually design application models in UML and generate Java, C#, or Visual Basic .NET code and project documentation.

BOUML - a free UML 2 tool box

BOUML is a free UML 2 tool box allowing you to specify and generate code in C++, Java, Idl, Php and Python.

Open ModelSphere - Free Modeling Tool

Open ModelSphere is a powerful data, process and UML modeling tool.


The Best OO CASE Tool for Windows

MagicDraw UML tool

MagicDraw is an all-in-one UML modeling solution, combining the most powerful technologies to bring you a high-end, robust environment wherein you can build all your software projects from scratch, ta

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