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Ultimate Vocabulary for the GRE Test

With Ultimate Vocabulary Software, you get:
* More powerful vocabulary words than any other program
* More interactive ways to learn than any other program
* More information on words than any other program
* A personal computer tutor to guide you to a powerful vocabulary... step-by-step

If you use our program for 10 minutes a day for just one month, we guarantee you will build a powerful vocabulary that will boost your success to new levels - or we'll refund 100% of your purchase price - no questions asked.

You Have Probably Been Judged by Your Vocabulary Many Times This Year Without Even Knowing it!

Whether you realize it or not, every time you speak, people use your language to instantly "tip them off" about how educated, competent, and successful you are. It's not surprising, therefore, that study after study has shown that a powerful vocabulary is directly linked to success, status, and income.
What Experts Say About Vocabulary and Success:

"English vocabulary level has been shown to be strongly related to educational success. In addition, it is related to the level of occupation attained". Bowker, R. (1981).

"A rich vocabulary is a valuable asset and an important attribute of success in any walk of life….". Elley, W.B. (1988).

"An extensive knowledge of the exact meanings of English words accompanies outstanding success in this country more often than any other single characteristic we have been able to isolate and measure" O’Connor, J. (1934)
That's Why We Created Ultimate Vocabulary!

From: Marc Slater, Director - eReflect Software

We created Ultimate Vocabulary Software because we saw first hand what a big difference a great vocabulary can make to someone's life and career. No matter what position you are currently in, this information applies to you. You're going to learn how to build a powerful and impressive vocabulary that improves your communication, improves your writing, and grants you instant respect and credibility.