Windows Vista and Windows XP treats ZIP files like folders.
Windows will look inside ZIP files when using the Search tool, a process that causes searches to take longer.
Microsoft hasn't provided any easy way to turn this feature off.
To turn off windows zip folders, in Windows XP:
1. Select Run from the Start Menu.
2. Type regsvr32 /u %windir%\system32\zipfldr.dll at the prompt, and click Ok.
3. The change will take effect immediately, but you may have to restart Windows for all traces of the built-in ZIP support to disappear.
To turn ON windows zip folders, in Windows XP
If, at any time, you wish to re-enable Windows XP's built-in ZIP support, just follow these steps:
1. Select Run from the Start Menu.
2. Type regsvr32 %windir%\system32\zipfldr.dll at the prompt, and click Ok.
3. The change will take effect immediately, but you may have to restart Windows for all features of the built-in ZIP support to be available.